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Inline AR FAQ

July 1, 2021

Inline Augmented Reality is the latest advancement in AR technology. So, there are a lot of questions as brands try to figure out what it is and, more importantly, how to use it to their advantage. Inline AR certainly offers great (and lucrative) benefits for online marketing and engagement.

In this article, we’re going to answer the most frequently asked questions about Inline AR, including how you can use it to elevate your brand.

Inline Augmented Reality FAQ

If you have any remaining questions after reading these answers, please contact our team. They’d be happy to nerd out and explain anything else you’d like to know!

What is Inline AR?

Inline AR stands for Inline Augmented Reality. “Inline” refers to how the AR experience is integrated “in line” with other content. Instead of being directed to another page, users can enjoy the AR experience from whatever page they’re on. 

Inline AR can be embedded into existing web pages or any other digital content, like blog articles, sales pages, product pages, and more.

What is Inline AR vs. Embedded AR?

Inline Augmented Reality and Embedded Augmented Reality are different terms for the same thing. Since the technology is new, the industry is still trying to agree on a standard term. However, Inline AR and Embedded AR are the most frequently used.

How is Inline AR different from Web AR?

Inline AR is a form of Web AR. Web AR is short for Web-based Augmented Reality, meaning it is accessible through the web instead of an app. 

Web AR transformed the Augmented Reality just a few years ago since it voided the need for an app. It’s a win-win for both producers and consumers since producers don’t have to invest in a costly app, and consumers don’t have to download one!

Inline AR is the next step in Web AR. Up to this point, Web AR required users to jump to another page to view the AR experience, called a microsite. The Web AR experience essentially lived by itself on this microsite. But now, with Inline AR, the AR content can live on any page among other content.

To learn more about Web AR, you can check out What is Web AR and Why Is It So Exciting?

How does Inline AR work?

Inline AR, or embedded AR, is integrated into content using code. That means it can be integrated pretty much anywhere online and on as many pages as you please. 

To activate the AR experience, users either simply tap or click the thumbnail integrated into the content or point their smartphone’s camera at the trigger image or QR code. Either method is a one-step process that only requires a quick click of approval to activate. 

Users can then interact with the AR content without ever leaving the parent site. When done, they just return to scrolling or perusing the web page.

We’ve created a mock-up to help demonstrate this in action, which leads us to the next frequently asked question… 

What is an example of Inline AR?

Aircards created a mock website with a fake TV product to demonstrate Inline AR in action. You can view the mock-up website and see how the helpful AR tool is integrated. 

As you can see, users can use the cool AR feature to “place” a product on their wall at home or wherever they are—all without ever leaving the parent site. 

What are some use cases for Inline AR?

From the example in the previous answer, it’s easy to see how Embedded AR will be widely used for “try-on” and “try-out” features. It is undoubtedly going to make a big splash in e-commerce and retail. 

However, the sky is truly the limit for Inline AR as it can be used in countless ways. Bloggers can use it to increase time-on-page, virtual classrooms can integrate it into lesson plans, influencers can engage their audience like never before, and so on and so on!

What is a Web AR iframe?

A Web AR iframe is basically a content box that contains the Augmented Reality experience. It is this iframe that brands embed into their content, much like they embed YouTube videos.

Why is Inline AR better than other Augmented Reality?

The best way to answer this question is to clarify that Inline AR is better in some cases than other Augmented Reality. Sometimes standard Web AR on its own microsite is the perfect solution, just like a landing page is sometimes better than a standard webpage. 

Inline AR is better, however, when you want visitors to engage with your AR experience without ever leaving a website. This is ideal for product and sales pages, as well as articles, where time-on-page effects sales and rankings. The more time spent on page, the more sales and your rankings improve.

And that leads us to our next Q&A…

What are the benefits of Inline AR?

First and foremost, Inline AR improves the user experience and takes a giant step towards making the digital world 3D. As visual creatures, we are drawn to 3D and the 2D digital world of flat web pages and stagnant content is just too, well, boring. Inline AR is an instant upgrade for any “boring” 2D page and content.

But it’s not simply a fleeting “wow factor;” Inline AR offers real value…

Inline AR:

  • Increases dwell time
  • Increases engagement
  • Boosts discoverability of AR content
  • Contextualizes surrounding content
  • Streamlines user onboarding
  • Streamlines customer conversion

And that’s just to name a few of the main benefits Inline Augmented Reality offers.

How Do I Add Inline AR to My Website?

The best place to start is to contact Augmented Reality solution providers. The technology is very new, so some AR providers may not be up to speed. Aircards, however, is rearing to go. As pioneers in Augmented Reality marketing development, we have helped brands of every size elevate their digital marketing strategies. 

Whether you’re a lone entrepreneur or a Fortune 500 company, we can help you capitalize on all of the benefits Inline AR has to offer. Contact Aircards today for a free demo and no-pressure consultation.

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