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5G Augmented Reality & Advertising

February 9, 2021

Digital marketing experts are chomping at the bit as 5G rolls out, clearing the way for bigger and better Augmented Reality advertising.

Since Web-AR, there has been a boom in Augmented Reality advertising, and not just as some gimmick. Web-AR is an app-less, headset-less technology that is being widely adopted into digital marketing strategies. Web-AR advertising has engagement rates several times greater than stagnant ads, and more engagement leads to “more” across the board. Augmented Reality analytics consistently show more page views, longer dwell times, increased sales, and so on.  

5G Augmented Reality

Now with the emergence of 5G, the AR engagement rates are expected to increase even more. Why? Because the 5G network is much faster than the 4G network while handling much more data than ever before. Before, the best Augmented Reality experiences needed a good wi-fi connection. But with 5G, Augmented Reality is going to be set free to be enjoyed wherever the users are. 

The 5G network offers: 

  • Higher multi-Gbps data speeds
  • Ultra-low latency
  • More reliability
  • Massive network capacity
  • Increased network availability
  • Improved efficiency

5G Augmented Reality & Advertising

Granted, users have been enjoying Augmented Reality experiences on mobile for a few years now (who can forget Pokémon Go?). However, those Augmented Reality experiences are just the tip of the iceberg of what Augmented Reality can do. 

The success of Augmented Reality advertising is greatly affected by load times. Slow load times result in users giving up on the experience before it even starts. Under 4G, Augmented Reality advertising was limited to about 20Mb. Anything more would put too much load on the 4G network, leading to high bounce rates. 

5G blows the lid off those limits. Instead of 20 Mb, 5G Augmented Reality experiences can go all the way up into Gigabytes!

So, What Does that Mean for Advertising?

The implications for the gaming world are obvious. Take Pokémon Go, for instance. Soon, these critters will likely have full coats of fur with individual hairs blowing in the wind. Pikachu will be running down the sidewalk, easily moving around real passers-by. 

In the advertising world, it means products and services can be experienced better than ever before. Instead of seeing a burger on the table in front of you, you will see greasy goodness bubbling on the patty between ooey-gooey cheese dripping down to the crisp fries. Instead of a red sweater, you will see the weave work and how it fits around your body’s shape. 

Essentially, it means:

  • Better representation of your product
  • More interactive experience
  • Improved buyer confidence
  • More sales and conversions
  • Fewer returns
  • Overall increase in customer satisfaction

Types of Augmented Reality Advertising

Augmented Reality advertising transforms any marketing campaign into an immersive experience. From print marketing to live events, you can elevate your current marketing strategy into a digital one. 

Here are the five main types of Augmented Reality Advertising with examples.

AR Out of Home Advertising

The chocolate brand Kinder turned in-store, ‘peel away’ print flyers into tickets to Africa. Customers don’t have to download an app to view the experience. They simply scan the QR code with their mobile device’s camera, and then a portal to Africa appears in the grocery aisle. Customers can “jump into Africa” and explore, learning about the various wildlife. 

From printed flyers to billboards to block walls, Augmented Reality OOH makes a big impact.

AR Print Marketing

Print marketing is one of the biggest areas Augmented Reality has been making a splash. Business cards, postcards, brochures, magazine ads, and more are all easily transformed with Augmented Reality. Simply add an Augmented Reality QR code, and Bam! Your printed medium turns into a digital world. Check out these print marketing ideas and examples

AR Product Packaging

Brands are providing how-to videos, thank you messages, easy reordering, and immersive experiences with AR product packaging. 

Michelob ULTRA Pure Gold used its packaging to deliver a unique experience to their customers. By transporting their customers to a peaceful Yosemite landscape, they perfectly embodied their brand while connecting with their customers. It’s a perfect example of experiential marketing through the use of Augmented Reality.

AR E-Commerce

Online retail stores have been taking the lead in AR e-commerce with “try on” and “place in your space” features. Customers are beginning to expect these Augmented Reality shopping experiences from the biggest retailers, and now, even small retailers can offer it with Web AR.

Samsung recently used Augmented Reality to enable customers to “place” their upcoming product range in their own environment. The users were able to interact and learn about new products. Samsung showcased this product launch alongside a live-streamed event, which takes us to the next type of Augmented Reality advertising.

AR Live Events & Conferences

More brands are turning to virtual events than ever before, and many are using Augmented Reality to make the experience feel as life-like as possible. 

Pot Noodle partnered with Grad Bay to launch a Virtual Careers Fair to bring employers to students in their own backyard. This AR Live Event resulted in over 2,000 job applications, a 500%+ increase than ever before!

Augmented Reality Advertising for Your Brand

Even though 5G Augmented Reality is opening the door to huge experiences, AR campaigns of all sizes are consistently effective. From business cards to billboards, Augmented Reality advertising is a viable option for big and small businesses alike. At Aircards, we have developed AR marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 companies as well as individual entrepreneurs. We can help you take your brand to the next level with Augmented Reality advertising. 

For a friendly consultation and free demo, contact us today. 

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